Friday, September 4, 2015

Nuhan's Guide To Life #1 - How To Survive First College Year

a typical college freshman guy :p

Hey Y’all I’m back here with some of my piece of advice about how to survive Freshman year of university life this some of advices are for you guys who are incoming college freshman.  College is a beautiful time of your life (trust me!) you might think that high school were the happiest time of your life but uh-uh no! but college is! Why? Because college (especially freshman year) is the place where your parents and the society thinks that you’re a “semi passable adult who have a full responsibility about yourself” but the fact that you’re just some kinda “advanced version of foolish teenagers who can legally drink alcohol and have sex while your parents are paying for your life and college tuition”, how beautiful is that?! I’m I right? :D (nah I’m just kidding).  But freshman year of college is also can be a huge disaster for you if you don’t know how to survive it but don’t worry guys I’m here to give you some of my advices.

Tip #1 it’s just like high school
The first thing that pops up from your head when you hear the word “high school” is probably friendship, and yes it goes the same way in college, make sure to make friends while you’re at campus, I know it may sounds silly and ridiculous, and I know that you’re thinking to yourself like “of course I’m gonna make a friend, duh!”  but I mean please make sure that you’re actually going out there and meeting new people go out there and get involved in a student activities meet people at your classes, you’re being thrown into this world where you don’t know any body around you and it’s going to be super fucking uncomfortable for a lot of you to make friends out there, so please just make sure that you’re meeting people talking to them and make sure that they know that you are a relatively normal person.

Tip #2 make sure that you feel at home
Another tip for you is that I find a lot of people don’t really take advantage of when they’re at college is redecorating your room, I’m not just talking about Pinterest DIY tutorial bullshit I’m talking about just making your room and your living space your own whether you’re living in a dorm or boarding house or apartment just make sure that you’re feel at home, you don’t have to make your room look like super 5 star hotel looking environment but make sure your room is an extension of your personality because you’re gonna live there until next year (9 months) or maybe more than that so you wanted to chill out homie and as welcoming to both yourself and your roommate and your potential new friend.

Tip #3 EAT!
Don’t forget to have snacks in your room it’s essential because the food court is not always going to be open when you’re hungry at midnight and there’s going to be some times when you’re up late night studying and you need some food to fuel your energy and you don’t want to walk to buy some food so just make sure you always have something in your system, make sure you’re constantly eating, I know that stress can get to a lot, and you forget the basic simple task like eating or even breathe and shower, but please for the sake of God don’t forget to eat.

Tip #4 Be honest
Another piece of advice it’s gonna be very important for those are going to college for the first time is please be honest to those around you, don’t make up stories about self don’t embellish the truth about things that you have done in the past, just be who you are.  If people are going to like you and be friend with you, they’re wanna be going with person that you genuinely are, not the person that you want to be. 

Tip #5 Call ya Mommy and Daddy
Also for a lot of you who are leaving home for the very first time and actually living on your own, don’t be afraid to call your mommy and daddy at home.  College is one big transition from awkward dumb teenage years into semi passable adult (just like I said in the beginning) so these 4 years are the time of your life when you can really own up to the fact that you have no idea what the fuck you’re doing (sorry to say that but it’s kinda true) if you need advice, if you need a guidance just call them, call your mommy and daddy, they want to see you succeed just as much as you want to see yourself succeed so please don’t be afraid to be upfront with them, give them call every now and then and remind them that you love them.  Also for a lot of you your parents are gonna be the reason that you’re going to college at the first place, possibly paying part or all of your tuition and life, so be sure to THANK THEM!

Tip #6 Go to class
Don’t forget the college is about your education and you’re parents are paying for absurd amount of money for the tuition, don’t skip classes, don’t skimp on the studying and please give your all.  I would imagine that the reason that you’re away at college right now is to learn, so please make sure you’re doing that, don’t think you’re too cool for school, these aren’t high school anymore! People here actually want to learn and if you aren’t giving it your all when it comes to your classes, why are you paying for those absurd amount of money to go away to college?!?!

The last tip Be yourself
And finally the most important thing is be yourself, I know it’s sounds cliché or some of you might find it hard to do it because some of you might don’t know who you are yet, but it’s time to find out who you are, find out what you like, find out what classes you’re interested in, just explore it this is the time where you find out who you truly are.

Okay that’s it from me guys I hope it helps you and don’t forget to share it with your friends it might helps them too, bye ;)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

[Masak] Resep Pesmol Ikan Patin

Blogosphere tau ikan pesmol kan? Pesmol itu makanan khas Sunda, biasanya sih terbuat dari ikan mas tapi kali ini saya mau membuat kreasi Pesmol dari ikan patin, yuk simak.

  • Persiapan 15 menit masak 35 menit =  50 Menit

Tingkat kesulitan
  • 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

  • 1/2 kg Ikan patin, bersihkan dan bagi dua
  • 1 buah Jeruk nipis
  • 12 Buah cabe rawit
  • 1 Batang daun bawang, potong tipis-tipis
  • 3 cm Jahe geprek
  • 3 cm Lengkoas geprek
  • 2 lembar Daun salam
  • 2 buah Tomat, potong masing-masing empat bagian
  • 2 sdm Cuka masak (atau sesuai selera)
  • Daun kemangi (secukupnya untuk garnish)
  • Daun cilantro (secukupnya untuk garnish)
  • 300 ml air
  • 3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
  • Garam, Gula, & Kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Bumbu halus
  • 5 siung Bawang putih
  • 3 siung Bawang merah
  • 5 butir Kemiri sangrai
  • 2 cm Kunyit
  • 1 sdt Merica putih
Bumbu marinasi ikan
  • 2 cm Jahe
  • 2 cm Kunyit
  • Garam secukupnya

Mari masak!
  1. Haluskan bumbu marinasi.
  2. Ikan yang telah dibersihkan lumuri ikan dengan jeruk nipis diamkan sebentar lalu cuci bersih kembali.
  3. Lumuri dengan bumbu marinasi yang sudah dihaluskan, istirahatkan.
  4. Selagi menunggu marinasi meresap haluskan semua bumbu halus.
  5. Goreng ikan yang telah dimarinasi hingga matang (berwarna cokelat keemasan) kemudian tiriskan.
  6. Tumis bumbu halus, jahe, lengkoas, dan daun salam sampai tercium harum.
  7. Tambahkan air, tunggu sampai mendidih kemudian masukkan cabe rawit, daun bawang dan tomat.
  8. Tambahkan garam, gula, kaldu bubuk dan cuka, aduk sebentar, angkat.
  9. Siramkan di atas ikan goreng yang sudah ditata di piring.
  10. Sajikan.

Selamat mencoba ^_^

Friday, June 26, 2015

[Masak] Tongseng Jamur Merang

Langsung aja ya Blogosphere disimak resepnya :)

  • Persiapan 10 menit masak 20 menit = 30 Menit

Tingkat kesulitan
  • 1  2  3  4  5  6,5  7  8  9  10

  • 200 gr Jamur merang, potong melintang
  • 7 Buah cabe rawit
  • 1/4 buah Kol
  • 3 cm Jahe geprek
  • 3 cm Lengkoas geprek
  • 2 buah Tomat, potong masing-masing empat bagian
  • 3 lembar Daun jeruk
  • 200 ml (1 gelas) Santan kental
  • 1 sdm kecap manis
  • 3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
  • Garam, Merica bubuk, & Kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Bumbu halus
  • 3 siung Bawang putih
  • 3 siung Bawang merah
  • 1 sdm Gula merah
  • 3 cm Kunyit

Mari masak!
  1. Haluskan bumbu halus.
  2. Panaskan minyak goreng dan masukkan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan.
  3. Setelah tercium harum masukkan daun jeruk, jahe dan lengkoas.
  4. Aduk sebentar dam masukkan kol dan jamur.
  5. Tambahkan santan, aduk sebentar dan biarkan sampai santan menyusut.
  6. Tambahkan kecap, garam, merica bubuk dan kaldu bubuk, aduk rata.
  7. Masukkan tomat dan cabe rawit, aduk lagi sebentar.
  8. Sajikan (lebih enak kalau ditaburi bawang merah goreng).

Selamat mencoba ^_^

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Apathy is our biggest flaw

What is your flaw? That question is "wow" i mean that's really hard question and i'm not saying that i'm a flawless person, i do have a flaw (we all have a flaw) but i think my biggest flaw is my apathy. sometimes i feel completely lack of emotion or motivation about something.

My apathy tends to sneak up on me, and it's really easy to get apathetic about something.  i find when i'm engaged and when i have a positive energy like "oh yeah i'm ready to go, i'm an awesome person" but i think the only thing that takes me down severely when i get apathetic, apathy is more dangerous than hate, why? because hate force to move forward at least in its prone to change (ya know it's not actually that different sometimes for love) it means that you care, and apathy is the exact opposite of that.  when you get locked into that you can lose yourself it's the most self-defeating quality i think there is for a human to have.  For me apathy usually comes when i'm not happy with how or what i'm doing something if i'm like "wow i really really suck at this" and i get really apathetic about it like it doesn't matter anyway just pfftt... and even it does matter even if it could matter because i feel bad about myself i let it go and long the same line it's also when i feed my addiction to the virtual world like social media, video games or just chilling out from the real world for too long, i mean everyone is got escape right now like everyone is gotta like watching video on YouTube, or playing video game or bolt your eyes on instagram you know something that helps you escaping from real world,

But when you do it too much you can lose yourself, you will lose your sense of reality and then it becomes a lot easier to just not care about anything at all.  I think a lot of time we enjoy ourselves more in the virtual world because we don't have to pay attention to what our lives are in reality and the virtual world is like easier to improve and it's easier to return like if you not care about to play something goes wrong in the virtual world you just like "pfftt... whatever" you can just move on to another virtual world and it's a lot easier than in real world, you just get one try you getting deal with all this thing that happened, and you have face up to it you can't ignore it and i think for me and for a lot of people it is when you ignore the problem then you grow apathetic about your own life, that's when we are not being "very good people" i guess...

And i think apathy is our biggest flaw, growing up in the age where the virtual world take over everything (like literally) it's hard to not being apathy and it's sad, i try to be more care about anything happened around me but still tho, if something goes out of my control it's easier to choose to be apathetic. it's sounds really really bad but that's the fact i am very sure that is not just my problem, you probably have the same problem as me.  i'm not sure how to fix this flaw but i think we all have to try to be more sympathy (i guess) i know it's hard but it still possible to us to be "not apathetic".

Okay guys i hope you enjoyed reading my short blog, my blogging schedule is really messed-up but i still love to post something in this blog. bye...

PERINGATAN! Blog ini milik Nuhan Hidayat, bagi yang copas artikel sembarangan yang cowok tak sumpahin tit*tnya impoten seumur hidup, yang cewek tak sumpahin jadi perawan sampe mati.